Today was a day of many things.
Today was a day that I burned more calories carrying boxes up to my room on the third floor of Main than I have during any workout. Today was a day that I met three incredibly brilliant professors who will undoubtedly become a few of my closest mentors. Today was a day that I conquered my fear of asking questions in a group setting and learned how much reassurance one can gain from that. Today was a day that we (pretty successfully, if you ask me) decorated the first place I can call my own. And today was the day that I looked around my room in Alabaster and realized how empty it was, but didn't allow it to hit me that I would, in fact, be sleeping in a new place that has now taken the title of My Room.
I have only been to a five hour orientation so far and have learned more about college than I could have imagined. And it's mostly the little things.
That college is about pursuing your passions.
That it is okay, and also encouraged, to major in your passion and minor in the sensible.
To major in what gives you life and minor in what gives you a living.
That everyone wants to be connected with, and when you share your own story you are prompting them to share theirs.
That not everyone has everything figured out, and that is okay.
That I may have everything figured out, but it all could change over these coming years, and that is okay, too.
That professors curse in front of new students and laugh at their gasping reactions.
And that college is about learning independence and furthering your mind and challenging yourself, but also about having fun and meeting some of the greatest people you will ever encounter and allowing yourself the experiences that you will want to be able to tell your grandkids about.
I have realized these past couple of months that I often take myself and life too seriously. I never thought I would have to be reminded to make sure I have fun in college, too. But when you have a goal set for yourself, a plan to accomplish that goal, and are determined to not let anything in the way of that goal, it's easy to get caught up in yourself. Independence is something I have always considered a strength that a large number of women struggle with, and a trait of myself that I take sincere pride in. But the glory of independence stops at the line where you forget to let yourself go for a while. Who ever thought I would have to remind myself not to be "too independent?"
This time last year, I was ready to get out of the house to be in a world where I was my own authority. Tonight, however, I am excited to be out of my usual environment for completely different reasons that I am guessing come with maturity and growth and changing mindset. This is a freeing feeling to have a little room of guaranteed peaceful serenity, and the setting in which I can finally chase my dreams. For real this time.
College is going to be scary and it will be grand and it will probably be a lot of other adjectives that I haven't even yet experienced. But I can't wait to tell you guys about it.
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